Chain Writing- Love over the Status
Long ago, there lived Erin and Prince in the village. The Prince's name was Chris. Erin was a servant of Mr.Klothe, who made a clothes for the loyal family , like the King. Mr.Klothe made a cloth for the prince Chris. He ordered Erin to deliver to Chris. When she went to the castle, there was Chris right in front of her. He fell in love immediately because she was so beautiful. She fell in love,too. So they dated secretly in the backyard of the castle or market. They loved each other deeply. But when they told their love to Chris's parents. they were opposed to their love because she was an orphan and servant. So Chris's parents locked his room. There were guards who protected Erin from coming to the castle. But she was so smart. She lied to Mr.Klothe and said that Chris wants clothes from him. He believed it and made it. He called to the castle and said that there will be a servant to deliver Chris's clothes. Erin covered her face and went there. Chris noticed that she is Erin. When the guards went out from his room, they escaped with a ladder secretly. Also they made a trick. They chose one guard who was similar to him, ordered to wear that clothes and sleep. Parents noticed that he escaped when he disappeared. So they lived in a house that is in valley to not found. Many years later, Chris's parents allowed them to marry because they knew that Chris and Erin loved so much. They became King and Queen. They lived happily ever after.
정연아 니 블로그 잘 했는데? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 내 블로그는 날 닮았어. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 유진이 블로그는 진짜 뭔가 지식이 뿜어나오는? ㅋㅋ
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정의의 이름으로 너를 처단하겠다~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
여하튼~헴헴~내가 네꺼에 해 줬는데 니가 안 함 좀...애바다. 어쨌거나 댓글 빠른 시일 이내에 올려주길 바래~~~~~~~~~~~~~~